Tuesday, 3 March 2009

I went to the patisserie they are always very happy to see me!

I totally forgot about my overwhelming love for Eddie Argos' humor and the nightmares I have had about his corpulent physique, until last week when I randomly decided to turn on Bang Bang Rock and Roll. Bang Bang Rock and Roll is the most wonderful fuck you album to all the wannabe pretentious bands around and the perfect illustration that the best music is crafted with basic ingredients, such as: the will to perform on top of the pops, shit hot guitar riffs, upbeat drums, ex-girlfriends and fantastic lyrics.

Now it is my great pleasure to tell you that Eddie Argos is back in town. Not as a Glam Chop or Vangaboy but with Art Brut. Art Brut are set to release their third album Art Brut Vs. Satan somewhere next month and I am happy to say that the two new songs are sounding as good as ever. Alcoholics Unanimous deals with getting drunk and the inevitable hangover, served with the classic Art Brut guitars and lyrics, "last night we tried to warn him! It took me ages to get dressed this morning". Just Desserts is possibly even more catchy and sexplains why I have had nightmares about Argos' physique "whenever i get hurt, i skip dinner have a big dessert / I went to the patisserie they are always very happy to see me!"


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