There are few bands that stick with you the same way young love does. The Rakes is one of those bands I could regard as being one of my first girlfriends. Nearly five years after hearing Strasbourg for the first time and three albums later I found myself at the very same place where they promoted their first single Strasbourg, ergo Rough Trade East London. Even though I wasn't there the last time I have listened to the live recording, which featured as a b-side on the 22 Grand Job 7", over and over again, on 33 as well as on 45 rpm. The set at Rough Trade in March 09 was an ultimate mix of old and new songs which took me on an amazing journey down rakes memory lane. From dancing together and not realising the shit till you're in it as you're running through debris with helicopters circling up above. To the ever prominent light from your girlfriends Open MacBook after waking up with a terrible hangover before going to a lousy 22 grand job. Whereas you would much rather be in Berlin where the bars have no closing time or at a fashionista party in Strasbourg where you can happily conclude that the world is a mess but at least your hair is perfect. The latter is never the case for me, especially not after a Rakes gig. My urge to freak out at gigs may seem a little retarded to people who don't know me, but makes perfect sense to me. [warning here comes horrible analogy] You could compare a guitar riff or amazing rhythm section to Harry Potter's relation with Lord Voldemort. Whenever Voldemort creeps into Harry's mind it is near impossible for Harry to resist his presence, hence, resulting in chaos, fear and anger. This also applies to the way I react to music, especially when its blasting through speakers in a cramped venue whilst bathing in sweat.
After the Rough Trade gig Klang! has become an even more regular visitor to my iTunes playlist. Tracks like You're In It, Shackleton, The Reason, 1989 and The Light From Your Mac (with shit hot bass line) combine the instant hit post-punk potential of Capture/Release with the sharp, witty and detailed lyrics of Ten New Messages. Like many (great) artist have done in the past (personal favourite being Bowie) The Rakes moved to Berlin to record Klang!. Besides being influenced by the Berlin lifestyle they have added a piano to their arsenal to add an ever fresher sound, as can be heard on Muller's Ratchet. Although The Rakes always managed to create a fresh sound on their records. The live shows on the other hand remained a different story. They either nailed it or failed it. For some strange reason the vocals always seemed to be overpowered by the guitars and drums, taking away most of the Rakes charm. However, After witnessing them live at Rough Trade as well as at Koko a few weeks ago, I am more than glad to conclude that they have completely redeemed themselves. Where other bands from their generation are failing to live up to expectations The Rakes are proving that they are still in it and have no fear of smelling the shit.
The Rakes
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Monday, 18 May 2009
Saturday, 16 May 2009
This Love is Fucking Right!
Over the last couple of months the self-titled debut album of The Pains of Being Pure at Heart has received a fair amount of critical acclaim. I, for one, have been enjoying this record ever since its release early January. The record is passionate, fragile but above all heart-warming from start to finish. Nevertheless I always wondered if they would be able to come across just as affectionate in their live shows. Before headlining at the Windmill tonight they played an instore at Rough Trade this afternoon. As the crowd gathered I couldn’t help but notice the irony in the fact that the (brilliant) Vaselines re-issue cd was scattering through the store. Is it just me or has twee definitely revived? I’m not complaining, as spring is the perfect time of year to blow the dust off your Talulah Gosh, Shop Asssistents, Vaselines and Pastels records, bands that the POBPAH can be linked to. Even though the band is clearly influenced by the late 80s sound they have seemed to found the right balance, hence, creating a distinct and wonderful sound.
From the advent of the set my attention is drawn to the genuine joy the band seems to obtain from playing. Opener, Doing All the Things, which featured on their EP, is followed up by This Love Is Fucking Right. Powered by hooky guitar riffs and upbeat drums the song sets the tone for what is to become a great afternoon. Latest single Young Adult Friction is welcomed with an enthusiasm that is rarely present at London gigs. As landmark song Come Saturday refers to the formation of the band when they had yet to find a drummer “a wasted summer with no drummer, we're gonna stay in”. Stay Alive is equally great and captures the harmonious vocals and sweet keyboards that leave you restless for love. After playing new song 103 the set is rounded up by Everything With You, leaving me with a tremendous feeling of satisfaction.
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart has removed all my prior doubts about their live capabilities and left me with the knowledge that I will experience their album with even more pleasure from now on. Make sure you catch them at a small venue before it's too late:
2009 Tour Dates
5/16 - London, UK - Brixton Windmill
5/17 - Leicester, UK - The Musician
5/18 - Wrexham, UK - Central Station
5/19 - York, UK - The Duchess - tickets
5/20 - Glasgow, UK - Nice and Sleazy
5/21 - Leeds, UK - Cockpit - tickets
5/22 - Manchester, UK - Chorlton Irish Centre
5/23 - Bristol, UK - Dot to Dot Festival
5/24 - Nottingham, UK - Dot to Dot Festival
5/25 - Antwerp, Belgium - Trix - tickets
5/26 - Paris, France - Batofar - tickets
5/27 - Toulouse, France - Le Cri De La Moutte
5/28 - Montpellier, France - Rock Store
5/29 - Barcelona, Spain - Primavera Festival
5/31 - Ravenna, Italy - Hana Bi
6/01 - Milan, Italy - La Casa 139
6/02 - St Gallen, Switzerland - Palace
6/03 - Munich, Germany - 59 to 1
6/04 - Koln, Germany - Luxor
6/05 - Berlin, Germany - NBI Club
6/06 - Hamburg, Germany - Knust
6/07 - Utrecht, Holland - Ekko
6/08 - Amsterdam, Holland - Paradiso
6/09 - London, UK - Madame Jojos - Whiteheat
6/10 - London, UK - Cargo - Sold Out
6/11 - Oxford, UK - Jericho Tavern
6/12 - Cambridge, UK - Soul Tree
6/13 - Southampton, UK - Joiners Arms
6/14 - UK Isle of Wight Festival - Big Top Stage
6/18 - New York, NY - Cake Shop w/ Crystal Stilts
7/04 - Denmark - Roskilde Festival
7/05 - France - Eurokeennes Festival
7/10 - New York, NY - South Street Seaport
7/18 - Chicago, IL - Union Park - Pitchfork Music Festival
7/20 - Los Angeles, CA - The Echo % (All Ages) %
7/21 - San Francisco, CA - Rickshaw Stop (All Ages) %
7/23 - Portland, OR - Backspace (All Ages) %
7/24 - Vancouver, BC - Biltmore Cabaret (19+) %
7/25 - Seattle, WA - Capitol Hill Block Party
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
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Friday, 15 May 2009
On All Fours
My first introduction to the Video Nasties goes back to early 2007. By chance I stumbled on a link to the infamous Southern Demo's and immediately fell in love. What struck me the most was the fresh yet fierce and direct sound of the band. Mainly due to the prominent sound of Jørgenson powered keyboards and instant hit-potential lyrics “I used to sing in the shower / I couldn’t get any louder” or “since I turned twenty my life’s become a Video Nasty”. However, strangely enough these songs remained largely undetected by radio frequencies. Hence, by the time I saw them live for the first time (late 2007) their sound had been driven into a more garage/punk orientated direction, hence, the Karl Blau EP. Despite my initial love for their more poppy sound, songs like Karl Blau and Devil seemed like exactly the right songs at the right time. Their show at the London Calling festival lacked most of the original Southern Demo's, but surprised me with some mind-blowing ‘new’ material such as Hearts & Bones and TV. Nevertheless it was one of their oldest songs that made this gig unforgettable. The grand 7 plus minute Teenage Celebration erupted from the speakers and infected the crowd with its epic brilliance like swine flu in a congested 6 p.m. central line tube.
After a six-month hiatus, in which I thought they had drowned, they returned with the release of the even darker sounding Albatross EP. Proving that their sound had again progressed gradually creating a more and more distinct own sound. Title-track Albatross is a short ferocious yet melodic song that is best experienced in a small sweaty live venue with amps turned up all the way to eleven. The last seconds of the song burst into an extravaganza of sound in which one cannot but freak out like a kid with ADHD on a trampoline. The b-side Heart and Bones is a little less vicious and expresses a more mellow side of the band. The low and mysterious vocals combined with delicate organ-like keys and elegant yet powerful guitar riff make this to be one of my favourite Video Nasties songs to date. The two other songs Break and Man took me a little longer to fully comprehend, however, after repeated listens they make perfect sense. Break and Man flow along the same heart broken line as Hearts and Bones, rounding up yet another flawless EP.
After at least two years of eager anticipation I was psyched to read, in January of this year, that the debut album On All Fours was recorded, mastered and ready for release in April. Unlike a few years ago, when one would go to record stores on release dates and spend the entire afternoon listening to new releases and discussing them with other people in the store, albums are now bound to leak on the net months in advance. This takes away most of the charm, but is the listener to blame? I’ve yet to find a person who waits two months to unwrap a present after receiving it.. In the end the music remains the same. The opener of On All Fours, HNB, an 'updated' Hearts and Bones, doesn’t mess around and launches the album straight into sixth gear. Other than the title the song sounds completely different from Hearts and Bones. The song is enhanced by shredding vocals, prominent drums and an amazing guitar riff that brings the song to a close. The latest single Jellybean unrolls into an anthem that should be played at every decent party. Old Flowers, which slightly reminds me of Break, flows perfectly into the closing chords of Jellybean. It is especially due to James Churcher’s vocals that this songs stands out, they’re mysterious and powerful but at the same time not afraid to encompass fear and emotion. From Old Flowers onwards the album switches into a slightly lower gear, unlike a lot of bands, Video Nasties manage to blend upbeat and slower rhythm sections without failing to hold the listeners attention. It is this diversity in sound that makes the band stand out. Due to the different layers in each song the songs on On All Fours should be regarded as sophisticated garage-rock songs that act like silent assassins, which will bound to catch you humming along without realising what has hit you. Conversation Dies manages to grasp the full potential of all the instruments, as the song slowly builds up the tension with haunting keys and gradually speeds up with ecstatic bass, drums and guitars.
Halfway through the record turns it up a notch with the opening chords of Albatross and the relentless sound of Stay Home creating a tension and urge to solo bedroom pogo, which I can barely resist. It’s the opening chords of Rolling that calm me down and send a genuine shiver down my spine. At the outset Rolling might seem like a straightforward love song, however it iss its less-is-more-attitude that makes this song stand out. The honest chords and direct vocals create an unadulterated feeling that would make this song the excellent pre-summer single. "maybe you have foundnd somebody new/ Well maybe I have too" Kaiser continues were Stay Home left off and is the perfect build up song to what remains Video Nasties’ most dynamic and epic song, Teenage Celebration. Through a filter of shredding distortion Teen Celebration launches into layers of reverberation, aggression, emotion and sheer genius that leaves you restless and evidently on all fours after 480 seconds.
In my mind Teenage Celebration was always the perfect closing song to the album, as well as it is to the live sets, however, the addition of Colours Bleed proves me wrong. The short and delicate song once again states the great diversity in vocals that only leaves you desperate to hit the repeat-all button as soon as it finishes. With eleven songs clocking in around 42 minutes I must conclude that On All Fours is one of the most solid and honest albums released this year. With a debut album and fully independent label in their hands it should only be a matter of time before Video Nasties conquer even more hearts and bones nationwide.
Video Nasties
Video Nasties - On All Fours
1. HNB
2. Jellybean
3. Old Flowers
4. Dead Again
5. Conversation Dies
6. Albatross
7. Stay Home
8. Rolling
9. Kaiser
10. Teenage Celebration
11. Colours Bleed
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Thursday, 19 March 2009
Gregg Gillis has taken sampling to the next level and transformed it into a new art form that is GIRL TALK. Forget the cheesy MTV mash-ups, yeah sure mixing up Gwen Stefani with Britney Spears is fun, but who could be arsed listening to it more than once? I guess this is what former biomedical engineer Greg Gillis thought as well. Instead of just mixing two tracks, he loops samples creating a dense sound that airs SEX. Who ever thought that mixing up Pixes, Blur, 50 Cent, Sir-Mix-A-Lot, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Elton John, Elvis Costello, Mariah Carey, The Verve, Outkast, Eminem and Neutral Milk Hotel would turn into something great?
His performance at Scala last night exceeded all expectations. Kicking off with Pimp C lyrics "Sweet jones, by bitch a choosey lover, never fuck without a rubber /never in the sheets, like it on top of the cover" which made people dance around like their shoes didn't fit. I guess the best way to describe it (from a European point of view) is by comparing it to an American High School party with all the right ingredients, awesome tunes, hawt girls and drunk people. If that doesn't make sense just check out these clips:
Anyone who wonders how he gets away with sampling all these artists without paying for the copyright should watch Good Copy / Bad Copy.
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Tuesday, 17 March 2009
I Fought A Crocodile For You
Once every so often you come across a band that forces you to keep your finger glued to the repeat button, Miami trio Jacuzzi Boys is one of those bands. Even though they have been rocking out since early 2007 they have only just blinked up on my radar. I know band names can be deceiving but don't worry this is not a boy band, these guys produce a distorted garage yet psychedelic 60s sound with some Miami, Florida sunshine flavour.
Their third 7" I fought a crocodile has a slightly more straight on garage/surf approach than their previous 7 inches Florida is Dying (2007) and Hozac (2008) and is probably best described as a foxy mix between King Khan and Black Lips. As the needle hits the groove first track I Fought a Crocodile sets off with whistling birds, creating the image of a Miami swamp. These whistles soon vanish and are replaced by a joyful drum roll leading up to the catchty chorus "i fought a crocodile for you, yes I did" which is brought in such a cocky and confident manner that you will be bound to catch yourself singing along in no time. The track Blowin' Kisses is evidently as catchy and filled with distorted flower pop, yet I can't help but hear the reference to Pavement's Two Sates opening "we want two steaks" in the chorus. As the 7" is just over five minutes I can only hope that their next release will be a proper debut album.
Download and enjoy previous 7 inches here.
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Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Although it's not even spring, Japandroids have already produced the perfect summer anthem with their new song "Young Hearts Spark Fire". It's a perfect balance between catchy shouts, dirty garage rock guitars and upbeat drums, which I like to call JAPUNK. However, the thought of waiting until the end of April for the rest of the album is a quite depressing prospect. helped me get over this terrible thought and is previewing the album.
Preview the album on or download Young Hearts Spark Fire single on Pitchfork.
Please note that these songs are 128 kbs and are a mere preview (except for Young Hearts Spark Fire 256 kbs), everyone should go out and by the album once it hits the shelves late April.
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Sunday, 8 March 2009
I know it's only March but I doubt anyone will produce an album as good as Dan Deacon's Bromst. The follow up to 2007's Spiderman of the Ring surpasses the boundaries of musical genius and is the most perfectly crafted and dense album I have heard for a long time. If you decide to listen to it please take your time as sticking it on as mere background music would be an insult to the work that has gone into crafting Bromst. To fully grasp the experience view the special:
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Tuesday, 3 March 2009
I went to the patisserie they are always very happy to see me!
I totally forgot about my overwhelming love for Eddie Argos' humor and the nightmares I have had about his corpulent physique, until last week when I randomly decided to turn on Bang Bang Rock and Roll. Bang Bang Rock and Roll is the most wonderful fuck you album to all the wannabe pretentious bands around and the perfect illustration that the best music is crafted with basic ingredients, such as: the will to perform on top of the pops, shit hot guitar riffs, upbeat drums, ex-girlfriends and fantastic lyrics.
Now it is my great pleasure to tell you that Eddie Argos is back in town. Not as a Glam Chop or Vangaboy but with Art Brut. Art Brut are set to release their third album Art Brut Vs. Satan somewhere next month and I am happy to say that the two new songs are sounding as good as ever. Alcoholics Unanimous deals with getting drunk and the inevitable hangover, served with the classic Art Brut guitars and lyrics, "last night we tried to warn him! It took me ages to get dressed this morning". Just Desserts is possibly even more catchy and sexplains why I have had nightmares about Argos' physique "whenever i get hurt, i skip dinner have a big dessert / I went to the patisserie they are always very happy to see me!"
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Monday, 2 March 2009
Those who sleep with electric guitars
No words can ever describe the genius that is Pavement, therefore I would like to cut to the chase and force you to download this album.
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
1. "Silence Kid" – 3:01 (aka "Silence Kit" due to a misprint on the cover)
2. "Elevate Me Later" – 2:51 (aka "Ell Ess Two")
3. "Stop Breathin'" – 4:28
4. "Cut Your Hair" – 3:07
5. "Newark Wilder" – 3:53
6. "Unfair" – 2:33
7. "Gold Soundz" – 2:41
8. "5-4=Unity" – 2:09
9. "Range Life" – 4:54
10. "Heaven Is a Truck" – 2:30
11. "Hit the Plane Down" – 3:36 (Spiral Stairs)
12. "Fillmore Jive" – 6:38
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Monday, 23 February 2009
Where's the woolen sweater you mentioned in the letter?
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah have recently announced their public hiatus, although they are still together it will probably take a while before they will release some new blistering material. However, I for one will never forget CYHSY whatever may happen to them in the future. Their self-titled debut album is one of my all time favourite records and deserves all the credit it got over the last few years. The energy, wide variety of sounds, DIY attitude, tongue-in-the-cheek lyrics and squealing vocals, make this is album a must listen for everyone who claims to be remotely interested in music.
"they are child stars, child stars, child stars"
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
1. "Clap Your Hands!" – 1:48
2. "Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away" – 3:24
3. "Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)" – 3:09
4. "Sunshine and Clouds (And Everything Proud)" – 1:02
5. "Details of the War" – 3:30
6. "The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth" – 5:43 (Ounsworth, Lee Sargent, Guertin, Tyler Sargent, Greengalgh)
7. "Is This Love?" – 3:11
8. "Heavy Metal" – 4:01
9. "Blue Turning Gray" – 1:17 (Tyler Sargent)
10. "In This Home on Ice" – 3:58
11. "Gimmie Some Salt" – 3:03
12. "Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood" – 4:34
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Saturday, 14 February 2009
Some 421 odd years after Shakespeare wrote one of his bloodiest tragedies Titus Andronicus a band formed in Glenn Rock, New Jersey went on to take this tragedy to a whole new level. After recording a self released, titled and recorded EP in 2005 Titus Andronicus went on to release their debut The Airing Of Grievances last year which shaped their breakthrough. The album is filled with hate as they proclaim there is no room for hope or future, as eventually we are all going to die. However, don’t be put off by this, perhaps, pessimistic but realistic view on life. This record is filled with the most startling hooks, tears and screams you have heard for a long time and I have yet to mention the exceptionally illustrious lyrics.
Anyone who has ever had an ex lover, will indisputably be able to relate with the pain and hatred that is portrayed in opening track Fear And Loathing In Mahwah, NJ, “You took a heart with so much room for love and filled it with hatred and rage.. until there was nothing left but for it to shrivel up and die.” The song parts with the illustration and reality of loathe “Now the way we hold each other so tight, would look more like a noose if held up to the light because we betray each other in dreams every night.” Arguably the most instant hit on the album is the self titled Titus Andronicus, with the repetitive chorus it is bound to dispatch a rush of adrenaline through your blood if the rest of the record hasn’t already send you straight to the intensive care department of a Riverside hospital. We might be beautiful but, as Los Campesinos! have mentioned before me, eventually we are doomed. “There'll be no more cigarettes / No more having sex / No more drinking until you fall on the floor / No more indie rock / Just a ticking clock / You have no time for that anymore / You better watch where you run your mouth / Because you know what they'll say to you, they'll say …..YOUR LIFE IS OVER”
I feel the urge to quote and dissect all the songs on the album as it is filled with the most sharp and honest lyrics that screech through the terror of garage rock sound, isn’t that what we all want? I know for a fact that Titus Andronicus share my opinion in Arms Against Atrophy “… please don't whisper sweet nothings in my ear when the sound of shredding vocal chords is what I want to hear”. I will stop spoiling the rest of the as I know from first hand, the best way to explore this album is on your own.
1. "Fear and Loathing in Mahwah, NJ" – 5:56
2. "My Time Outside the Womb" – 2:55
3. "Joset of Nazareth's Blues" – 2:30
4. "Arms Against Atrophy" – 5:16
5. "Upon Viewing Brueghel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" – 4:25
6. "Titus Andronicus" – 3:13
7. "No Future" – 7:39
8. "No Future Part Two: The Days After No Future" – 6:54
9. "Albert Camus" – 6:25
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Thursday, 12 February 2009
Tonight's gig at 100 Club started as duo Gentle Friendly stepped up to play a short, two song, but very powerful set. This is yet another band that instantly grabs you by the balls and doesn't let go until you have shown your appreciation for their loud muscular rock powerhouse (bless yourself if you don't have balls). As the stage was cleared Baltimore's trio Future Island stepped up to surprise the shit out of the audience (not literally as that would have been very messy, obviously). Anyone who's familiar with the Office will know what I mean when I say that the front man Sam looks like David Brent, if he would have had a successful music career that is. It is probably Sam's amazing voice that clearly distinguishes him from David Brent. Furthermore Sam dances around the stage like an OD'ing Grizzly Bear, while bursting out his lyrics to the beat of über catchy electro tunes and bassline. If that doesn't get you moving you should go see a doctor.
The memory of these two bands would, however, soon be faded as the Baltimore quartet that is Ponytail hit the crowed with their art-house punk noise sound. I know that sounds vague so here are a few pointers, think of colours, energy, screams, wasabi powered drums, trebly guitars and forget about any bass. If that still doesn't work for you just listen to their music. Last years album Ice Cream Spiritual contains all these flavours and it's this album that dominated the setlist. The pony ride started of with 7 souls, blasting authentic primal chants into the audience in a manner only vocalist Molly Sigel can get away with. As the screams of Beg Waves screeched through the monitors the pony ride gained speed and evidently turned into a crazy horse ride at the first notes of Late for School.
To spice up the Ice Cream the new track Honey Touches was played, the song is largely in line with their previous work and merely another great new flavour to their pallet. The touch of honey hit the right spot and was followed by the only 'old' song on their setlist Bermuda Traingle which struck the audience like a Kamehameha blow to the chest. Sky Drool's "oew baby oew" and Die Allman Bruder raged past before the night was ended by crowd favourite and single Celebrate the Body Electric (It Came From an Angel).
If you missed out on this gig you'll get a chance to redeem yourself on March 10 when Ponytail play at Lexington or on March 3 when Future Island will unleash hell at Old Blue Last.
7 Souls
Beg Waves
Late for school
Honey Touches
Bermuda Triangle
Sky Drool
Die Allman Bruder
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Sunday, 8 February 2009
22 Grand Love: I Love You Creedence
To spice up this blog a bit, I will be posting personal favourites at the start of every week with the title 22 Grand Love. The albums will mainly be random albums I love but have neglected for far too long. I won't do proper reviews on them as I feel you should make up your own mind. I will, however, give a short introduction to the artist and album. Please feel free to grasp the opportunity to comment on your own personal favourites, suggestions are more than welcome.
The first album I'll be posting is 2006 Etiquette by Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. CFTPA is a solo project by Chicago based Owen Ashworth. His first three albums were cassette-recorded gems which enhance a minimalistic approach, charged by his battery-powered casio and witty character-study lyrics. Etiquette only partly sticks to this formula as it gives us a more diverse and dynamic variety of sounds. However, the sentimental lyrics, portraying every day situations, are ever so present. Creating an album that grasps you from start to finish, as you get pulled into the world and observations of Owen Ashworth.
"This September I'll be 26 years old and El's the only one besides my dad who's ever said I love you Creedence"
Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - Etiquette (2006)
01 Etiquette I.D.
02 New Year's Kiss
03 Young Shields
04 I Love Creedence
05 Nashville Parthenon
06 Scattered Pearls
07 Happy Mother's Day
08 Holly Hobby (version)
09 Cold White Christmas
10 Bobby Malone Moves Home
11 Don't They Have Payphones Wherever You Were Last Night
12 Love Connection
Recommended tracks: New Years Kiss, I Love You Creedence and Cold White Christmas
Try here
Buy here
After recently releasing a collection of b-sides, covers and rare live recordings Advance Base Battery Life, CFTPA will release the proper follow up to Etiquette in April named VS. CHILDREN.
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Friday, 6 February 2009
Tonight, the slightly unconventional venue, Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes, is home to the one of the most anticipated bands of 2009, Crystal Antlers. Yet another amazing band to hail from Southern California. With the release of their astonishing debut EP, produced by Mars Volta's Ikey Owens, Crystal Antlers went from sweeping chimneys to raping venues with their eclectic sound. Perhaps best described as psych-garage, combining punk, noise, blues, swirling guitars and psych into ground braking compositions.
Before kicking-off Three Trapped Tigers acted as main support act. Where the two other bands had earlier desperately failed to impress, Three Trapped Tigers proved to be very talented. By mixing Lighting Bolt like drums with synths and dynamic keyboards they create a sound that is not only striking but unmistakeably mind-blowing. When given the chance do not miss out on this band, as you most assuredly will be blown away.
With just one EP Crystal Antlers blasted through their songs, generating strike upon strike. What else would you expect from a band that has given us songs like A Thousand Eyes, Until The Sun Dies (Part 2), Vexation and Arcturus. After playing one new track the band left us with Parting Song for the Torn Sky. The sweeping bass intro is the start of what is to be a ten minute orgasm, as penetrating guitars meet with tearing drums and a screaming organ finished off by percussionist Sexual Chocolate (yeah, I know that's hot).
Fuck it dude, this is about as good as music gets, sheer EPIC.
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Wednesday, 28 January 2009
After disappearing from the limelight last year, Video Nasties have returned from a lengthy fishing trip with the release of their second mind blowing EP Albatross. To inaugurate the release of this EP they’re touring through the U.K. this month, accompanied by Threatmantics and Swanton Bombs.
The Hellvetica tour stopped in London’s Cargo last night. With rotating head liners throughout the tour, it was Threatmantics turn to kick-off the night. The Welsh trio, who have recently signed to Domino, managed to get the blood flowing at high speed with their unique style combining folk, Welsh lyrics and pure rock. East London/Essex duo Swanton Bombs, yes another band with an unquestionable love for wrestling, continued on this leg. One only has to listen to Shock to know this band has all the potential of hitting the charts, intertwining edgy riffs with heaps of energy and catchy lyrics. That music is in fact a matter of nature and not nurture was once again proved when Dominic’s brother Eugene McGuinness got on stage to finish of the set in a fashionable manner.
However, with all due respect, there was always only going to be one head liner at tonight’s gig, Video Nasties, being arguably the best band to have hailed from London in the last couple of years. The much-anticipated release of their debut album On All Fours in April, will surely wake up the ones who have yet to be grasped by their intense and astounding collection of songs. Over the last few years they have, to some extent, changed their sound from the highly catchy Southern Demos (Plus One/Jorgensons Horn, Flickers, Riot Gear etc.) to a more ferocious and dark sound on the Karl Blau EP.
The band set off with one of their new tracks Stay Home, which ignited a forceful and yet pleasant feeling through my back spine. Stay Home was processed by another new song Jellybean, the song is guided by a scorching guitar riff, combined with powerful drums and mysterious vocals, another success number in the making. Devil and Karl Blau continued to flourish the set, serving two shots of pure adrenaline through the veins. However, while the band was clearly giving every drop of sweat to their home audience, I can’t help but state that the audience reacted far too sedate. Anyone who can recall the historical concert (I for one) at Paradiso in 2007 knows how an audience can turn a gig up to eleven. Nevertheless single Albatross, with Dominque McGuiness on guitar “to make it even more hardcore”, turned out to be plain proof of the sheer genius that is Video Nasties.
After playing two more new tracks HNB (no to be mistaken with Hearts and Bones) and Old Flower the set was brought to an epic close by one of their oldest and still one of their strongest songs to date, Teenage Celebration. From the first chords the song takes you on a seven minute trip that no class A drug will ever be able to re-enact. To finally explode into a unbelievable climax, leaving the audience in awes once again.
Stay Home
Karl Blau
Conversation Dies
Old Flowers
Teenage Celebration
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Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Last year we mentioned that White Lies had a sparkling bright future ahead of them. After playing various festivals around the world it was just a matter of time before the album To Lose My Life. Unlike their bright future the album is filled with dark songs mainly inspired by death. The demo’s of the three main songs we discussed last year Death, From the Stars and Unfinished Business are still excellent and haven’t left their soul at the studio’s editing board. New single To Lose My Life is bound to sing around in your head forever, as the chorus “Let’s grow old together and die at the same time” is ultimately catchy. Harry McVeigh’s voice is distinctive but above all breathtaking. The songs on to Lose My Life are characterised by slick keyboards and synths as well as edgy guitar and bass lines flowing into a sublime album.
The release of To Lose My Life was celebrated with an instore at Oxford Street’s HMV. At the outset the plastic scenery was never going to do justice to the intimate feel of the music. Nonetheless White Lies managed to create a personal atmosphere and clearly enjoyed every second of the long anticipated release. The set kicked off with Unfinished Business, which was followed by To Lose My Life, EST, A Place To Hide, The Price of Love and finished with arguably their best song to date Death.
WHITE LIES: listen
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It has been a good three years since the release of Franz Ferdinand’s second album You could have it so much better with Franz Ferdinand (2005). Nevertheless their worldwide fame has been merely increasing over the years. Arguably obtaining the status of one the biggest bands the 21st century has produced to this day. As part of the promotion for their long awaited third album Tonight: Franz Ferdinand they are playing a series of intimate secret gigs across London town this week. Kicking off at a secret wristband only instore at Rough Trade last night.
The 250 lucky lucky fans were treated to an exclusive preview of the bands new album. Unlike the previous albums Tonight is a concept album, which refers to The Odyssey and James Joyce’s Ulysses as is most striking in Franz’s new single Ulysses. Besides the theme the most obvious element in which Tonight, to a certain extent, differs from previous work is the overall sound. In essence the album is filled with pop songs but these songs have got a more experimental twist to them as was ever so clear during their performance.
Tonight’s set commences with two classic Franz Ferdinandesque tracks both Send Him Away and No You Girls are straight on pop tunes with a rather catchy chorus combined with highly danceable rhythm sections. Live Alone is filled with bleep synths but as the song progresses they’re pushed to the background by a über catchy chorus “ “wherever you are, whoever is there, you know I’ll be here, whishing I could be there”.
Halfway during the set Bite Hard starts slow but soon goes into another up-tempo synth filled tune “we ride together, we die together”, with the scorching guitar solo at the 2:22 minute mark, turn it into another great tune. Single Ulysses gets the crowd chanting, the already instant hit, chorus “laa-lalalalaaa, Uylesses, I’ve found a new way”. Turn It On rolls into a lovely drum beat and razor guitar riff, turning it into another flat out wonderful song.
The set concludes with What She Came For, which starts of with a very classic Franz feel “I’ve got a question for you… Where do you see yourself in five minutes time?” As the song strides along the inevitable explosion comes at the end of the song when it turns into a full on punk tune, with explosive drums and squeaking guitars.
No, this is not the Franz we knew 3 years ago, this is better. They’ve found a healthy balance between their pop feel and their drive for more experimental songs. At moments when you feel the songs are turning into slightly cheesy pop songs the bands surprises and steps in at the right moment to turn songs around into proper tunes. Where other big bands such as Coldplay and Kaiser Chiefs have failed to achieve the standard of their debut album, Franz Ferdinand has come back with a more than decent third album which will most surely please first minute, last minute as well as new (cavemen?) fans.
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In its thirty year history Astoria has become one of London’s most prominent venues. Hosting the worlds biggest bands from U2 and Nirvana to upcoming bands in its smaller sister venue Astoria 2. However over the last couple of years plans to construct a railway station, which connects the centre of London to the east and west, have put Astoria’s future in uncertain hands. Sadly the ultimate decision to tear down Astoria has since been made.
To celebrate the last night at Astoria a final gig was organised on 15 January. Besides various DJ sets from the likes of Lightspeed Champion, Mystery Jets, Frederick Blood Royale and many others Loverman had the honour to kick off what would be one of the last gigs at Astoria ever. Their dark hardcore punk music sounds promising to say the least. Whilst the drums fracture your skull, the emphatic screams fix to your throat like pieces of broken glass. The vigorous ergo energetic performance by the front man got a fair share of the crowd going berserk, all the signs of an amazing night, that had yet to be fully unrolled.
The hype machine that is Cajun Dance Party released their first full-length release “The Colourful Life” on major label XL Recordings. With another release planned for 2009 everything seems to go well for these teenagers. However, their live performances, although well prepared, lack the natural energy and enthusiasm you would expect from such a promising band. The unnecessary dramatic and pitiful approach by front man Daniel Blumberg plainly doesn’t work. Neither does the total lack of unity within the band’s style (jumpers, leather jackets, dresses, make up, boots, sneakers, beards etc.) add to their arsenal of wise before their years pop songs. To some these factors might come across as utterly irrelevant, however, these are the predominant factors that distinguish the average drama high school performance from a proper gig.
London’s Good Shoes had the privilege to play the last gig in Astoria’s bright history. Unlike the middle of the road performance by Cajun Dance Party Good Shoes were bound to end the night with a cracker from the advent of their set in the tiny bar overlooking the main stage. Front man Rhys words “If you vandalise it, it isn't going to matter because it is going to be fucking knocked down anyway.” were wisely followed by the crowd as Good Shoes kicked off with old favourite Photos. The eloquent mixture of old and new songs made me eager for the much-anticipated follow up to debut album Think Before You Speak. By ending the set with crowd favourite Morden resulting in a total mayhem of limbs, guitars, glasses and sweat Astoria was given its the last worthy push.
GOOD SHOES: listen
LOVERMAN: listen
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Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Na zeker een jaar radiostilte, kwam begin deze week het bericht dat Jamie T druk bezig is met het afronden van zijn tweede studio album. Als teaser heeft hij ons de nieuwe single FIRE FIRE gegeven. In tegen stelling tot Panic Prevention (2007), lijkt Jamie T met Fire Fire een meer hardcore punk richting ingeslagen te zijn. Het nummer klinkt veelbelovend en zal voor de meeste fans als een complete verrassing komen.
Download: Jamie T - Fire Fire
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